Mini Summit Magic

How To Host Successful Mini Summits To Grow Your Online Audience

with Anke Herrmann

Author of Taming the Tech Monster

In this FREE video training you'll learn the keys to hosting a successful summit that grows the email list that grows your business:

  • How to choose the right topic for your summit

  • How to choose your speakers

  • The tools and step-by-step process for running a smooth event

  • The key to rocking your interviews

  • How to make sure your summit will be good for business

I'll respect your privacy and will not ever share your information with third parties.

you know you need an audience

You know you need to grow your audience if you want to offer your programs online. And yes, I'm talking about your email list 😛

When you don't have an audience, you'll have a hard time selling your offers because you don't have enough people in your world who trust you enough to even consider buying from you.

If you've tried to grow your list you know that it isn't as easy as it sounds though.

Maybe you've created lead magnets and found the trickle of new subscribers disappointing.

Maybe you've invited people to webinars or other virtual events and found the people signing up were those who are already following you.

Perhaps you speak on other people's podcasts or events and find that only a few people ever sign up for your free gift.

For most people, any of these methods work, but slowly.

you need an audience that's like a flowing river

The problem with an audience that grows too slowly is that it's like a stale lake.

If you keep offering the same thing to the same people, you get worse and worse results. After a while, those who want to buy bought, and the rest may never buy from you.

You'll start doubting the quality of your offer or, worse still, you'll start doubting whether you'll ever reach your goals in business.

Now you have the option to create new offers.

But when you keep creating different offers, potential clients end up feeling confused about what it is you do. And we all know that a confused mind doesn't buy.

What if you had a list that's growing fast?

the fastest way to grow an audience,

even if you're starting from scratch

The fastest way I found to grow my list is through hosting mini summits.

They are fun to host, very effective when done right, and they work every time, even when you start out without an email list.

Because your speakers do the heavy lifting for you.

Why mini summits and not big summits?

Mini is good

  • Good for you - less work to organize

  • Good for attendees - no information overload

  • Good for your speakers - more visibility

Are you ready to jumpstart your email list growth?

Hi, I'm Anke Herrmann

I started my entrepreneurial journey in 2004 when I quit my software developer career in the UK, moved to Spain and started a sewing business, specializing in custom flamenco dance costumes.

To be honest, it felt like riding a wild elephant until I realized that building a business really is a CREATIVE PROCESS, just like sewing a dress or developing software - a magical mix of vision, skill and soul.

That insight inspired me to train as a coach so I could support other passion-driven mavericks create a business and life THEIR way, but not alone.

Now I bring everything I've learnt about business, tech, creativity and psychology to help coaches and educators take their big mission project from idea to reality and beyond, to serve their clients through impactful online offers, without tech headaches - as your strategic thinking partner, trusted advisor, coach and Tech Monster Whisperer.

Love my dogs, passionate (certified) coach, author of Taming the Tech Monster, teacher, programmer, dressmaker, translator, always learning.

Love Albert Einstein quotes, like this one: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

Anke is a brilliant strategic partner who helps me think through the best process to deliver my idea, what platform, what tech, who should do what and how to do it efficiently. I cannot recommend her patience, calmness and practical genius enough."

Elizabeth Lovius - Leadership coach and Social Entrepreneur

"Anke by name, anchor by nature. When you are part of someone’s ship, you stop it from drifting away from its intended stability. Clear, calm and caring.

In a nutshell you embody less hype and more hope."

Angela Durrant - Founder of The Visible Club, Coach, Speaker.

Anke , a Tech Doctor with all the intelligences - IQ, EQ and XQ (that is reading the data, connecting the dots and getting it done). For business people who don't really understand tech this is an invaluable and unique offering because without asking the right questions you are not likely to get to the right destination"

Emer O'Donnell - Specialist Coach for young people(MSc)

Anke Herrmann - Taming the Tech Monster

ⓒ2024 All Rights Reserved By Anke Herrmann